Driving Home for Christmas

Driving Home for Christmas

Ah…The Christmas countdown is almost over! Not long now until it’s time to visit family and friends while humming to the tune of ‘Driving home for Christmas’. This is a good time to remember to finish that Spotify Christmas list prior to the trip, as driving while using a mobile phone is illegal.  

Some of us have a long drive to visit family members and friends who live far away, so stops are necessary to break down the trip. However, one must keep in mind that the gingerbread latte at the drive-through may become a lot more expensive if we reach out for the Apple Pay fund, as it is an offend to use or interact with your mobile phone or other hand-held devices whilst the car is running.

By now, all the presents should be wrapped. Although Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas if there wasn’t any last-minute rushing to shop that hand cream gift box set for auntie Vera, who your mum decided to invite last minute. Using and opening a present you got delivered to your address by accident to solve this problem, it’s out of the question and as you must know by now utterly illegal. So off you go to find a last-minute bargain, but it might end up being the most expensive present you have ever given if you forget to keep the speed limits in check for rushing; or even worst, being involved in a collision for being distracted thinking about all the things that still need doing and last-minute preparations.

But not all is doom and gloom, there are some laws that have been abolished for the better! Like fasting as part of a Puritan Christmas. Thank God those days are over, and nobody will be liable for sneaking a mince pie or two in their handbags, because I mean, as soon as it is the 1st of December and we open that advent calendar window, and perhaps even before that, as soon as the Halloween decorations fly off the shelves and the shops start reeling us in with the power of marketing, all we can think about and look forward to is a day of eating (a.k.a. binging), drinking (a.k.a. getting wasted) and being merry with the ones we cherish and love.