Lucinda Dore Solicitors

Removal (Expungement) of Caution from Police Record Solicitors

We will do all that we can to get the right result for you.

Are you interested in the removal of a police caution from your record? Do you have a caution on your record that is negatively impacting your employment prospects or your plans to travel abroad?

Lucinda Dore Criminal Solicitors know how worrisome that will be for you. We are here to help.

Removal (Expungement) of Caution from Police Record Solicitors

The police can issue with a caution to anyone over the age of 10 years old who have committed a minor crime.
Although a caution is not the same as a criminal conviction, it is still an indicative that a criminal offence has been committed; therefore, a caution can have a lasting impact on your ability to move forward with your professional or private life.

Once a caution has been issued, it will generally appear on your record used by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) for six years. This is reduced to two years if you were under 18 at the time the caution was issued.
However, in certain exceptional circumstances, police cautions can be removed from a record. Examples of exceptional circumstances may include the following: - The caution was issued to you unfairly or unlawfully;- You were unfit at the time to accept the caution;- You have clear evidence that you did not commit the offence;- The allegation was a malicious of false one;- You accepted the caution under duress; - Another person was convicted of the offence


If you have received a police caution, youth warning or reprimand, and will like to remove it from the record, we can help you.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is a police caution?

    A simple caution is a record of criminal allegation where an individual accepts the evidence and admits the allegation.
    Conditional cautions attach conditions, such as the payment of a fine, or an apology letter; if the conditions are not met then the caution can be voided with a prosecution commenced.

    There are also youth cautions and youth conditional cautions, which are similar to adult cautions but have slightly different procedural requirements.

  • Is a caution recorded on the Police National Computer (PNC), and if so, for how long?

    Although a police caution is not technically a criminal conviction, it is recorded on the Police National Computer (PNC), and forms part of an individual’s criminal record and is disclosed on background checks including DBS checks and immigration checks.
    All cautions, reprimands and warning retained on the PNC are potentially disclosable on a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) depending on the circumstances. Although certain disclosure rules apply to when a caution can be disclosed, the caution will be retained on the PNC indefinitely, unless it is deleted.

    The Police National Computer (PNC) currently retains all information until an individual’s 100th birth date, so Police cautions are retained on the Police National Computer (PNC) for 100 years.

    A caution will not be disclosed on a basic DBS check but will show on an enhanced and standard DBS check for six years. 

    Most adult cautions become protected, or “filtered”, after six years, or two years for youth warnings and reprimands; and will not automatically appear on a standard or enhanced DBS. However, cautions for offences that are classed as “specified”, considered to be the more serious offences related to potential safeguarding issues, are never protected and will always be disclosed on an enhanced and standard check.

    In addition, the police retain a discretion to disclose any caution on an enhanced DBS check, even if it has been filtered, where they deem it to be relevant to the specific DBS check; such as a particular job role. 

    The only way a police caution will never show up on a DBS check is if it gets deleted from the PNC. You may be able to have your caution ‘expunged’ from your criminal record by applying to the police, via the ACRO Records Deletion Unit.

  • Will a removal (Expungement) stop a caution from disclosing on an enhanced (DBS) check?

    If the police agree to ‘expunge’ your caution, then the PNC will show ‘no further action’ instead of the caution. If they agree to delete the caution in its entirety, then the arrest event will no longer be recorded on the PNC. It will no longer be disclosed on a standard or enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. 
    You should be aware that even if your caution is ‘expunged’, the information held by the police force could still be disclosed under the ‘other relevant information’ section of an enhanced check, if the police feel that it is relevant and ought to be disclosed. However, you can challenge this decision.

  • How long does it take to remove a caution?

    There is no standard time frame to have a caution removed, and different police forces take differing periods of time to remove cautions (for example, the Metropolitan Police Force give a time estimate of around 12-18 months for a removal application to be processed).

  • What happens if the police refuse to delete the caution?

    There is not a formal appeals process to challenge a decision made in relation to the deletion of police cautions.If you don’t agree with the decision, you should, in the first instance, make representations to the relevant police force. This should usually be done no later than 3 months from the date you received the original decision. Your representation will need to provide information or ‘evidence’ which was not provided in your previous application.
    If you believe that the police are holding information that is inaccurate, incomplete or has been retained for longer than is necessary and your request to have it deleted has been refused, then you could consider making a complaint to the Information Commissioners Office.
    If, having followed the process set out above, you remain dissatisfied, then you do have the right to challenge the decision by way of judicial review.

Contact Lucinda Dore Solicitors

Contact Lucinda Dore Solicitors today for advice, assistance, and representation in relation to any legal matter that you are facing, no matter how minor or severe, we are here to help you. 

Criminal Law Solicitors

Removal (Expungement) of Caution from Police Record Solicitors based in West Sussex and London, serving clients throughout the UK

Our expert solicitors know your questions. We have the answers. We can help you.

Our fees.

We pride ourselves on offering an attentive service with clear and transparent fees to all our clients.

    • Virtual consultation to advise whether have a potential case to apply to remove a caution

    • £200.00 + VAT

    • Virtual consultation to advise whether have a potential case to apply to remove a caution

    • Virtual consultation to advise whether have a potential case to apply to remove a caution

    • £200.00 + VAT

    • £200.00 + VAT

    • Application to Expungement Caution

    • Fees starting from £1000 + VAT (depending on nature and complexity of the application).

    • Virtual consultation to advise whether have a potential case to apply to remove a caution

    • Application to Expungement Caution

    • £200.00 + VAT

    • Fees starting from £1000 + VAT (depending on nature and complexity of the application).

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