Can a glass of prosecco lead to a drink driving conviction this Christmas?
Christmas and New Year is a jolly period. A time of social gatherings and celebrations. But did you know that Drink Driving is still the biggest public concert at Christmas Time? With so many gatherings, the expected increase in traffic on UK roads in the next few weeks the number of drunk driving incidents is set to rise. Millions are expected to take to the roads during the festive period, with the 23rd of December and Christmas Eve looking to be the busiest days. We receive a lot of enquiries of people who did not realise they were over the limit of alcohol. Cases such as a Mum that stopped to meet with some friends and had a large glass of prosecco that took her over the limit.
Enjoy this holiday season, but please keep safe...
Lucinda Dore Solicitors is here to help you during the festivities. If you need legal help and/or representation, get in touch.
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